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     If you've ordered a custom mix, please tell us about your team! Between raps, singing and instrumentation, this information will be used to help either choose your songs, and/or produce your custom music. Small slogans, team chants, nicknames, themes or even little thoughts that your kids like to say amongst themselves that apply to the program ALL helps the process! This form must be accurately filled in and submitted 30 days before your booking dates in order to start your preproduction.

Do you compete at events that require a music license? (USASF, etc...)
Which Music Package Would You Like?
Do You Have a Specific Theme?
Full theme, YES!
Yes, but just a few mentions. Not saturated from start to finish.
What best describes the "feel" of your music?
Masculine (little to no feminine qualities)
Femininely Empowering (little to no masculine qualities)
Hybrid (Both masculine & femininely empowering)
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